Design and Participation with Augmented Reality
Group Project at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
About the Project
The project "Design of Emmenpark - Design & Participation with Augmented Reality" took place within the scope of the study area IDA (Interdisciplinarity in Design and Arts). With the help of digital tools, we dealt intensively with the (re)design of Emmenpark, Lucerne. In teamwork and in exchange with the cooperation partners of the municipality of Emmen and LuzernNord, we developed design concepts and strategies for the public park design.
Our group (Florine Witzig, Chantal Jaun, Laura Schor and Michelle Arocha) developed the concept "ContainART". Our goal was to design the Emmenpark in such a way that it appears attractive and inviting, to create a place of encounter.
Neue Welten im Emmenpark
Der Emmenpark wird neu gestaltet – mit virtuellen Hilfsmitteln
Gestaltungsideen für den Emmenpark mit AR
Smart People: Design und Partizipation mit Augmented Reality
Der «Emmenpark» wird zum Spielplatz digitaler Tools

Digital Tools
3D Graphic Software
Game Engine
Agisoft Metashape